Disturbed, Drowning Pool, Adema, Steromud
and Systematic |
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Drowning Pool
As the houselights went down, a dense fog
enveloped the stage and Drowning Pool hit the stage with a vengeance.
The band�s in your face metal repartee of songs grabbed the fans by the
throat and never let go. Backed by a wall of amplifiers Drowning Pool went
on a rampage of sound as the bodies literally hit the floor.
Dave Williams took time between the songs
to banter with the audience, at one point he announced his sexual desires
for Britney Spears (let�s just say what Dave proposed he�d like to do to
her is still illegal in some southern states) he pointed out it had nothing
to do with �pop� music, which he has no use for, it was her other assets
that Dave joked was the only thing she is good
for. He proclaimed that metal is back and is taking over the musical reigns
once again, that announcement was met with thundering applause that shook
the Palladium to it�s core.
Guitarist C.J. Pierce and bassist Steve
Benton worked their sides of the stage with a headbanging fury and drummer
Mike Luce was unmerciful as he tested the endurance of his drum kit.
The energy level only increased as they progressed through their set list
which included �All Over Me�, �Sinner�, �Tear Away� and �I Am� by the time
they broke into their breakthrough hit single �Bodies� the hall was in
a stage of pandemonium.
After Drowning Pool left the stage, I overheard
one concert
goer tell his friend that before the show he thought the band were nothing
more than MTV�s token nu-metal band of the month but after seeing them
in action he changed his mind because they �kicked my mother-f***in ass!�.
What else can you say, that guy summed up the band�s performance perfectly.
Pool Photo Gallery
The main event! A large movie screen descended
from the lighting rig, the house lights went down and a flurry of
images were projected on the screen before it was pulled up to reveal a
stage that resembles the �yard� of a prison or �loony bin� with brick walls
topped by barbed wire and two fullsize mummified men hanging from gallows
on each side of the stage. Then lead singer David Draiman was escorted
on stage by a couple of mock nazi guards who locked him in the large glass
case. Like a sinister science experiment gone wrong the case was enveloped
by a misty green light as David Draiman withered about inside trying to
bust out, then the other members of band took the stage and launched into
their set. Draiman escaped the glass box, charged to the microphone and
roared out his first vocals of the night. Guitarist Dan Donegan looked
like a man possessed
as he banged his head furiously moving about the left side of the stage
like a man on a mission. Bassist Fuzz bounded back in forth with
a chiseled intensity on his face as he climbed on top of monitors and then
leaped onto the ten-foot tall P.A. cabinets that dominated the left outer
wing of the stage. The fans paid their hard earned money to see a
show and that�s just what they got. Drummer Mike Wengren helped lead
the charge as he pounded out the songs unmercifully from his raised drum
Those who were blown away by Disturbed
at Ozzfest have to see these Chicago hard rockers in action as headliners.
Like the old line from Spinal Tap, they may have played Ozzfest at 10 but
on the Music as a Weapon
tour they took it all the way to eleven! It�s easy to see how Disturbed
have emerged as one of the frontrunners of the nu-metal scene. It�s not
just David Draiman�s unique cackle that sets them apart, the band operates
on stage like a finely tuned war machine decimating all who dare to witness
the spectacle as the band roars through songs like �Down With The Sickness�,
�Stupify� and �Voices�.
It was a night of music I will not soon
forget or recover from, as one of the most powerful line-ups to tour the
country in years set out to use music as a weapon and succeeded in kicking
everyone�s ass!
Photo Gallery
Check out these exclusive
Photo Galleries!
Pool - 22 pictures
- 31 pictures
- 12 pictures
- 16 pictures
- 10 pictures
Visit the official websites
for Drowning Pool, Disturbed,
Systematic, Adema
and Stereomud
an exclusive interview with Drowning Pool! Or check out their debut special
at Rocknworld.com
an exclusive interview with Adema.
out a CD review for Systematic
on at the iconoSTORE and buy the CD's for Drowning Pool, Disturbed, Adema,
Systematic and Stereomud!