Special Edition: Extreme
Steel Tour as experienced by Dr. Fever |
Slayer, Dimebag and
the Real Slim Shady
Introduction from the editor: Originally
we were supposed to handle coverage of the Extreme Steel Tour when it roared
through Los Angeles. Well long story short, that didn�t happen. I knew
if there was one tour most of our readers wanted coverage of, it was this
one. Think they would let us pass up on SLAYER and PANTERA on the same
bill? So naturally, the solution presented itself when I saw that the tour
was playing in Dr. Fever�s neck of the woods. Knowing full well that Fever
is probably the biggest Slayer fan here at antiMUSIC I asked him if he
was interested, guess what his answer was?. If anyone was born to cover
this tour, it�s our Dr. Fever. Normally, when one of us covers a
show we go to the venue, kickback, take photos if needed and maybe venture
backstage to conduct an interview. A couple weeks later you, the readers,
get a full report. Since Dr. Fever is anything but conventional when he
sets out to cover a show, he gets right into the middle of things. He�s
not contented being a mere member of the audience; he wants the full experience.
As an editor I get to feel a little of what Rolling Stone�s Ben Fong Torres
must have felt every time he sent Hunter Thompson out on assignment, wondering
what kind of mischief the adventurous writer was going to get into. Anyone
that follows Dr. Fever�s columns knows that one of his idols is Hunter
Thompson. I have a sneaking suspicion that the good Doctor is trying to
live up to his idol�s exploits, as you�ll soon read he is well on his way.
So with out further blathering from me, here is the Doctor to tell you
about his new nickname courtesy of Dimebag and his adventures at the Extreme
Steel Tour.
Huntington West Virginia
Pantera | Slayer | Static X | Skrape | Morbid Angel
On June 27th, yet once again, the fine
folks here at antiMUSIC sent me out to cover the rock. And, yet once again,
it turned out better than I could have imagined.
The fateful day rolled around and the excitement
level was
high. I headed to my friend Dana White's house (owner/operator of Cornzine.com
and my photographer for this trip) and then we rushed to Huntington. After
just about every delay you can imagine we made it to the show at about
7pm and made our way to the will call window. It was at this point we realized
the show started at 6, not 7. Static X was already on the stage (we could
hear them all the way out in the lobby) and we were kinda bummed, but it
was all good-we hadn't missed SLAYER (or Pantera for that matter). The
will call window provided yet ANOTHER adventure, they had LOST our tickets
and photo pass. Much anger. After finally getting some tickets (but no
photo pass) we took our chances and went to the Bus Parking area to seek
out help.
After some creativity and me breaking out
a copy of my confirmation email (good call Ed. on suggesting I print that
out..otherwise I never would have thought to do it) we were introduced
to a nice lady who I believe was Slayer's
road manager. She produced an All Access Photo Pass for Dana and (as a
way of making up for will call's screw up) she also gave us two All Access
Guest Passes, which meant me and Dana were going to the aftershow party
backstage. More on that later.
After walking through the side door and
heading for the floor (gotta love those All Access Passes), we hung with
some friends until the lights went out. Mass Hysteria. Devil Horns all
around. SLAYER was on the stage. Hot damn! On stage, SLAYER is more vicious
than you can imagine, when they hit the stage pure evil pours forth from
the PA. The power of Kerry King�s searing guitar riffs kick you in the
side, Tom Araya puts you in a stranglehold with his menacing
vocals and within minutes you become drenched in sweat, your throat gets
sore from screaming and you�re in bad need of chiropractor from all the
head banging! Slayer doesn�t screw around with pretty staging, they
go with a stripped down stage set. Drums, Amps, Guitars, Mics; No bells
or whistles are needed just the essentials of rock and roll. When you are
as loud as they are you let the music speak for itself. On this fine night
we were treated to a varied selection of both classic and new, even a couple
of kickass songs from their new album,
�Got Hates Us All�. For the most part, I just stood off to the side
soaking it all in. For me (and a few thousand fellow fans) it was truly
an awe-inspiring performance. Of course, I didn't stand around the
entire night. Fittingly enough, SLAYER closed their set with my personal
favorite: "Angel Of Death." This evoked a response of circle pitting and
floor punches from me. The rednecks were flipping out because they'd never
seen anything quite like my little display, so they converged on me with
intent to commit bodily harm..no matter. I'd already had my ass kicked
that night by SLAYER. I wasn't going to feel pain anyway.
Pantera closed out the night with their
typical show (although the exploding/flaming 'Reinventing The Steel' sign
was cool). It�s still fun nonetheless. After all this, it was
on to the backstage area for the after party. After a chance encounter
with a couple associates of ours and taking time to snap a photo with Kerry
King, it was party time. Pretty innocent stuff for the first 10-15 minutes
we were there, that ended the second Panteras' Vinnie Paul burst into the
room, leading 3/4 of the members of Pantera (Phil was noticeably absent)
into the sea of humanity and beer..the rest of the night is pretty much
a blur..but, here are some of the highlights:
Meeting everyone but Phil from Pantera
Meeting Tom and Kerry from SLAYER
Meeting Waye Static from Static X
Finding out the secret to Waynes hair (i'll
never tell..hahaha)
Watching Vinnie Paul sign a girls butt
Drinking liquor with Dimebag Darrell (I'm
almost positive it was the infamous 'Blacktooth Grin'...but I might be
All in all, a very worthwhile time, even with
all the headaches it took to get to that level. So, yet again, the Doctor
went home happy. Even after Dimebag took to calling me "Slim Shady". Oh
well, it's all about the rock.
Photo Galley - Backstage
and Pantera Live Shots


Slayer's Official Website to get the lowdown on their new album GOD HATES
US ALL plus tons of other cool Slayer stuff.
Get your copy of Slayer's GOD HATES
US ALL and Pantera's Reinventing the Steel today at the iconoSTORE!
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Comments and reasons why SLAYER are GODS