
Singled Out: Evol Walks' Back Where You Belong

Keavin Wiggins | 09-19-2022

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Evol Walks just released their brand new single "Back Where You Belong" and to celebrate, we asked Leah Martin-Brown to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

I can remember the EXACT date that 'Back Where You Belong' was written - September 6th 2019 in Studio City, CA with Producer and Songwriter Brian Howes. It was a beautiful 90 degrees Farenheit favourite!

At the time, I was 3 days shy of my 90-day sobriety date and a lot of sh*t had been hitting the fan in my personal life. I walked into the studio, Starbucks tea in hand, where Brian and Jay Van Poederooyen (Engineer, Mixer) were working and was in the mood to create something dark and heavy.

Brian had come up with a really raw, almost 80's Megadeath-sounding riff and my ears pricked up! Immediately the melody and lyrics began to flow and all the anger and resentment that had been pooling up inside me was released by the time I left that day!

'Back Where You Belong' is definitely an aggressive track but it is also triumphant. It was my opportunity to get out what I was feeling and mentally clear the air. There is no better feeling than writing a tune that unapologetically screams "Go to hell and stay there" *polite version* haha.

As time has progressed, the song has become more about a breakup with a vice or one's old self than an actual breakup. The more the tune sat with me the more I began to identify with it as a message to myself rather than to another person. Sometimes you really do just need to sit the version of yourself down that is no longer serving you and send it away so you can move forward with a healthier, happier and fuller you.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the band here

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Singled Out: Evol Walks' Back Where You Belong