of Summer - Part II:
- All You need is Love
Special Series by Rock n World's Debbie Seagle
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A civic
minded Courtney Love arrived in San Diego in
the pouring rain. Her mission, besides the obvious
one of belting out her brand of alt/punk rock, was to bring the masses
together in a showing of brotherly love and understanding.
But, she had a score of her own to settle first. It seems the Coca-Cola
Company bought a sizable number of seats at the SDSU Open Air Amphitheatre
for promotional purposes and didn't give them all out. The result
- an almost sold out venue that was half empty. After the band's
first song, Courtney stopped the show and let everyone know what happened
and said she couldn't play like that. She asked everyone who was
sitting up in the nose bleed seats to come down and sit as close as possible
and they would play a really good, small show. Cut away to the cattle
drive scene - mass hysteria.
that bit of business taken care of, Hole proceeded to rock the house with
songs like "Celebrity Skin," "Awful," "Pretty on the Inside" and "20 Years
in Dakota.". It was rainy and cold in the audience but the stage
was hot and balmy as Love propped her fishnet clad leg on a monitor and
belted out "Miss World." Feeling playful, she then jumped onto the
neck of a security guard and went into the crowd to join the wet set (a
stunt I wouldn't have tried while touring with Manson).
As part of her civic duty, and in the wake of the Columbine, CO school
slayings, Love invited "jocks" and "nerds" to join her on stage and get
to know one another instead of building pipe bombs. She admonished
the crowd saying "If I can get along with f*****g Ben Affleck, you can
get along with each other!" Not wanting to leave out any outcast
social group, she next invited fat girls to come sit on stage with her.
"If you are fat, or you hate yourself, I want you
to come up on stage." The stage was full of over-energized fans being
kept in check by roadies doing their best border collie imitations.
Maybe it was the chaos of unassigned seating, or maybe it was the red tutu.
Somehow the cold, rainy San Diego night turned into a night of merry musical
Photo's by Debbie Seagle.
is the Associate Editor of RocknWorld.com |