
Mindless Self Indulgence - Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy  
Review by Freak

Mindless Self Indulgence - Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy 

  • Elektra 

  • This album is like a chemistry experiment that went haywire. Mix a bunch of elements together that you shouldn't and it blows up in your face.  That's why this works. It's a mix of high-energy post hip-hop, industrial, electronica and punk with the lyrical equivalent of the Jerky Boys. Most pure rock fans won' t get it, they are too set in their ways. If you can open up your mind and experience this music, it's like nothing you ever heard before. Frankenstein Girls is a fun filled romp with foul language, sex and "oh, not even serious lyrics".  If you want some nasty entertainment and aren't listening for grunge filled power chords, MSI is just what the doctor ordered. 

    MSI makes their contemporaries like The Bloodhound Gang seem like lightweights with 30 tracks of pure musical excess dripping with sarcasm and sexual innuendo. You know - all the good stuff! 

    Say what? Yo, Frankenstein Girls is an exciting pastime for the entire family.  Play it for grandma, it's sure to send her weak heart into spasms. We know you love granny, but think of the inheritance!

     The listener must be warned, if you are politically correct, anal retentive, or just simply a humorless s*** head, DO NOT LISTEN! If on the other hand, you are looking for the musical equivalent of the Jerky Boys meets James Brown jamming with the Sex Pistols and Eminem, Mindless Self Indulgence will help you to waste hours of quality time in humorous bliss! 

    - Freak 

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