
3 Doors Down - Better Life 
Review by antiGUY

3 Doors Down - Better Life

  • Universal Records

  • Rock returns! If you haven't been living under a rock for the past month then you are sure to have heard, "Kryptonite", the hit single from 3 Doors Down.  There is a reason this song is played 24/7 on rock and alternative radio - it ROCKS!  We are pleased to let you know that the rest of the CD is equally as good. The new rock classics like "Loser", "Be Like That", "Not Enough", "Smack" and the title track, make this the must have album of the year for rock and modern rock enthusiast. You may not have a better life as a result of buying the album, but you will have better music! 

    Listen to samples and Purchase this CD online

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