BoySetsFire � Live For Today  
Review by antiGUY 

BoySetsFire � Live For Today 
Label: Wind-Up

Release The Dogs 
Bathory's Sainthood 
Curtain Call 
After The Eulogy - (live) 
Handful Of Redemption - (live) 
Rookie - (live)
Listen to samples and Purchase this CD online

Boysetsfire are heroes of the melodic hardcore underground for good reason, they have the chops and deliver the goods. In the netherworld where melody meets power is where this band dwells. My biggest complaint with this EP is that it is an EP, it's over just as you get into full scream along mode and wets the appetite for their forthcoming full length.  

The band's move to Wind-up from Victory Records had some fans worried that they might compromise their credibility in order to fit into the label that Creed built but no worries these guys stay true to themselves and the fans. The new songs give us a glimpse of where Boysetsfire is heading in 2003 and it's not selloutville that's for damn sure! 

The equal mix between studio and live tracks show us this band's strengths in both mediums and let me just say the riffs of one of the new tunes "Curtain Call" make this EP worth every cent!  

Big things are expected from Boysetsfire and this EP shows why! "Live for Today," is definitely a great effort from these Delaware rockers and may just give Wind-up there next multi-platinum act. The tunes are there, we just have to see if the audience is paying attention. 

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