
antiReviews: Series 7 soundtrack 
Review by antiGUY

Series 7 soundtrack 
Label: Koch Records

It Begins
One Dose of Truth
Let's get it on
Unlucky Number
Creeping Feeling
"I Knew Her�"
Whole World Watching
Phone In
Love Will Tear Us Apart � Joy Division
Ray of Hope
Sweetness of Mine � Julie Stephanek and Eli Janney
The Set-Up
Turn it Around
Death Pack � Robbie Kondor 
Wedding Serenade - MenKing
Dramatic Re-creation
Nine Lives 
The Contenders

Let's face it, most soundtracks suck! But who ever managed to arrange this one knew what they hell they were doing by signing up Girls Against Boys to provide most of the music. 

Fans of Girls Against Boys previous albums "Venus Luxure No. 1 Baby", "Cruise Yourself", "House of GVSB" and their major label debut "Freak*on*ica" will find some familiar elements to the songs here, but for the most part the songs are instruments that take a softer 80's alt-rock new wave approach. The vocal songs like "One Dose of Truth" tow the alt-rock line without sounding dated.  "Tweaker", pulsates with a techno beat and punkish vocals.  Of the instrumentals "Dramatic Re-Creation" tops the list with a moving rhythm that really sparks the imagination. 

Other artists like Joy Division contribute music to the soundtrack that complements the classic new wave alternative sound. MenKing's "Wedding Serenade" sounds a bit like a late 80's power ballad and Julie Stephanek and Eli Janney provide the beautiful ballad "Sweetness of Mine". 

The premise of the movie is a reality based television show where the contestants are given weapons and the last one standing wins�.  Survivor to the extreme and the music should do a good job of setting the mood while not causing the audience to compulsively bang their heads. 

Listen to samples and Purchase online

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