
Ruiners - Typecast

Ruiners create a wonderful bunch of post-punk musical noise with their project Typecast. Although this fourpiece is from Houston, Texas, they could just have easily been from England in the early 80s. Yes, there are loud guitars and angry vocals; however, the guitar parts are jagged little sonic pills.

Every song on this nine-song project has a one-word title. Why get overly verbose, when a single pointed word will suffice? Lyrically, this album is filled with passionate rants put to music. It's the guitars, though, that make this music truly go bang. These are angular, minor key riffs that are far more sophisticated than found in typical punk -- not to mention pop-punk.

"Khandaan" features the chorus, "I'll you remember you/If you want me to." This vocal is matched to a guitar riff with the same melody. The song also includes some wonderful solo guitar music, which drives and echoes all over the mix, like a wild animal set free from the zoo.

With all this fantastic rock & roll, these guys are like saviors, not ruin-ers.

Ruiners - Typecast

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