
Pale Blue Dot - Anatomy

Grunge, or at least grunge-inspired music, will never die. At least if Pale Blue Dot has anything to do with it. One called "Yesterday's News," of the act's Anatomy album sure sounds a lot like Pearl Jam, back when they were still young, and the genre was relatively new. Vocalist Tony LaRocco has one of those powerful, gut-busting voices, which was not desired, but required of most every hard rock band that came out of the Seattle 90s during this genre's heyday.

LaRocco also has a strong sensitive streak, like Eddie Vedder, which he reveals during the gentle "The Harlot and a Gambler." Don't be fooled by the song's title, which reads like a really bad Kenny Rogers follow-up song; it's actually really sweet. And while "The Harlot and a Gambler" is gentle, "Lo and Behold" is even gentler. Furthermore, the latter features traces of country music in it, which shows Pale Blue Dot also has a country side.

Pale Blue Dot may have a few easily observable musical influences, but Anatomy also shows off this act's strong musicality.

Pale Blue Dot - Anatomy

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