
N.ave - Black Magic

N.ave, which is pronounced 'Nave,' pursues "Swahili in his free time" that is far better than making it rain at strip clubs, which describes the lifestyles of many high-profile rap artists. Nevertheless, N.ave ponders hanging out at an adult establishment, as well as buying guns to become a thug, during EP opener "Dead Roses." N.ave at least has good intentions. One titled "Dosumdiffrint," which is sung something like 'do something different,' is N.ave trying to be more flexible, behavior-wise.

The track "Black Magic (City of Dreams)" is N.ave speaking truthfully about a city gone wrong. This could be N.ave's home town of Philadelphia. Then again, it could be just about any city today. Our world is a dark place, and few places in the world exemplify this darkness more than modern day cities.

Hip hop music continues to explode, which makes it more and more difficult for new artists to stand out and make a unique name for themselves. In its best places, N.ave gives a valiant effort of separating himself from the pack with Black Magic.

N.ave - Black Magic

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