The Bigger Damner Book of Sheer Manliness
by Kevin Wierzbicki
Do you have a friend or family member who's lacking a little bit in the testosterone department? Would you say this person is a wet noodle, a weakling, or perhaps a milquetoast? Ever want to tell this person it's about time they grew a pair? Maybe you should just point them in the direction of the new book "The Bigger Damner Book of Sheer Manliness," the Von Hoffmann Bros. update of their 1997 guide to being a stud, "The Big Damn Book of Sheer Manliness." The book is a mish-mash of actually useful information (synopses of manly movies like the original Spartacus, info on Colt handguns, cool bar tricks) and irreverent pieces on things like pumpkin chucking and spud gun usage. Then there's the just plain silly such as the lengthy lists of slang names for boobs and, uh, "Johnsons." Or should I say "ham rockets" and "hot dogs?" Perhaps "num-nums" and "man roots?" Flip to any page and you'll find a quick and often hilarious read about everything from fly fishing to Nevada whorehouses, fireworks to firing machine guns, vintage war birds to cocktail recipes. A little bit about a lot of things; good fun that's suitable browsing for both sexes. To paraphrase the slogan from an old soap commercial; "Manly, but she'll like it too!"