REPO! Road
Tour Diary: Jackson
by Terrance Zdunich

We've been telling you all about REPO!
THE GENETIC OPERA and the recent REPO! Road Tours. The third
tour just wrapped up and REPO star and co-writer Terrance Zdunich
(plays Grave Robber) gives us the lowdown! Here is today's entry from Jackson.
It's 10:00am. Actor Bill Moseley, director
Darren Lynn Bousman, tour manager Spooky Dan, & I, return our rental
car, and then hop on a shuttle bus en route to Denver's airport, en route
to our 9th stop on REPO Road Tour 3: Jackson, Michigan.
22, 2009.: A fellow sitting across from us on the bus takes one look at
us, this motley crew of REPO! dudes, and asks a question�the same
question that we've been asked in every city of the tour thus far: "Are
you guys in a band?" We tell him that we're filmmakers, and about REPO!
He seems interested. Bill gives his
REPO! DVD (the one that he purchased
yesterday) to this stranger, winning what hopefully is another REPO!
convert. TESTIFY!
Our 11:30am flight out of Denver is delayed.
Worse, our departure is further stalled once we board the plane. Some sort
of mechanical error that our pilot monotones about, is keeping our aircraft
grounded. Worse yet, I am seated in between 2 very strange individuals.

To my right is an overweight man whose
left arm spills into my already cramped space. And so do his words; he's
one of those folks with the nervous habit of talking to himself. His nerves
are not helped by the fact that our pilot's voice sounds less than confident,
nor the fact that a "minor" malfunction is keeping us hostage on the runway.
Bottom line: this poor stranger next to me is clearly startled. Attempting
to break the ice, I strike up a conversation. It works. At first.

The man calms down a bit as he tells me
about all of the places that he's traveling to: Amsterdam, Uganda, Rwanda,
and more. I ask him if he's globetrotting for business or pleasure. He
confesses that he works for Gideon's, the people behind infecting every
hotel room in America with a bible. I tell him that Christianity is what
Rwanda really needs. He tells me that he agrees. I tell him that I was
being sarcastic. Our conversation ends.

The middle-aged woman seated to my left
overhears our exchange, and chuckles. She and I begin to converse. I ask
her what she "does". With a blank expression, she responds, "nothing".
I let her know that I wasn't necessarily inquiring about how she makes
a living, but rather seeking information about her as a person. This was
a big mistake.
She proceeds to tell me all about her long
and tragic history, about how she's flying to Michigan to live with her
father, the 1st physically abusive male relationship in her life that was
later mirrored by an abusive ex-husband, that resulted in her living alone
on the street for the last 2 years. And her story continues, and continues,
and keeps getting darker and darker. I think to myself, "gosh, I hope she
doesn't have any children". Like clockwork, she confesses about how The
State took away her 4 kids.
Goth opera�Blood Saga�Sometimes I wonder
how we ever got here�
An hour-and-a-half later, the plane takes
off. It's a 3-hour flight to Detroit, which, due to the delays, puts us
on Michigan soil at 6:00pm. Considering Jackson's Michigan Theatre is an
hour from Detroit, and considering that tonight's screening is at 8:00pm,
we will not have time to stop by our hotel and shower before tonight's

Co-creator Darren Smith is meeting us tonight.
He arrived in Jackson yesterday. Since we're running late, we call DS and
ask him to get to the theatre early to make sure that everything's in order.
He tells us that there's already a line of people forming.

We arrive at The Michigan Theatre a little
after 7:15pm. Tromping over a mound of snow to approach the front doors,
I am immediately recognized by a female fan�a very young-looking, very
cute, very twitterpated fan. She's happy to see me, and she let's me know
it. This is the 1st of many such encounters tonight; apparently, Jackson
is a lusty-for-GraveRobber city (and I had been told the only thing this
city was known for was its state prison�pssh!).

Entering the theatre, I am greeted by Jon,
director of Painted Perversion (Jackson's Rocky Horror cast) whose
ass I later autograph�an act of retribution on his part for me having signed
his wife's boobs earlier. I draw the line, however, when Jon asks me to
blow on the ink to help it dry.

Samantha ("Raven Sweet"), tonight's REPO!
Army leader, has already set up our merch table. She got wind that we were
running late and took the bull by the horns (I can't say it enough: I love
fans!). Sitting behind the table, dressed in shinny black Gentern garb,
she gives us a huge chocolate REPO! cake that she made.
Also in attendance tonight is a concession
stand worker who moonlights as a clown (John Wayne Gacy-style), and Spooky
Dan's very un-spooky parents. Dan's mother retreats to the lobby 20-minutes
into the film because REPO!'s onscreen violence is too much for
her to handle.

It's 8:00pm. Spooky begins his pre-show.
This crowd is LOUD with excitement. Deafening. So loud in fact, that during
our post-screening autograph session, every other person is hoarse.
During the signing, I am given a very impressive
fan-made gift: a REPO! foldout book courtesy of Maegan ("maegan1116").
Each page consists of a bold, graphic image, accompanied by REPO!
song lyrics; each page representing a different REPO! character.
As a former design student I'm aware of how painstaking it must have been
for her to hand set all of the book's type. Thank you, Maegan!

Also in line is a trio of young women wearing
fan-made REPO! t-shirts. The fronts of their shirts are different,
but the backs all read, "Team GeneCo: Because No Amount of Sparkle Is Gonna
Save Your Ass!" I have no idea what this means, yet somehow it makes perfect
At end of the evening, we're invited by
a group of fans to join them at a local bar. We do. It's a small, extremely
smoky dive, that's walking distance from the theatre. There, Nate ("zydratenate"),
a fan and pal who I communicate with regularly on myspace, buys me 2 double
Jamesons, followed by a shot of�something. Oh, brother.

It's late, really late, when I finally
check-in to my hotel. I reek of whiskey and smoke. Because we drove straight
to the theatre from the airport, my luggage is still inside our rental
car, locked away for the night. My kingdom for a toothbrush and a clean
Info and Links

REPO! Road Tour Diary: Jackson
and Purchase The DVD or Blu-Ray Online
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