REPO! Road
Tour Diary: Greenbelt
by Terrance Zdunich

We've been telling you all about REPO!
The Genetic Opera and the recent REPO! Road Tours. The third tour just
wrapped up and REPO star and co-writer Terrance Zdunich (plays Grave Robber)
gives us the lowdown! Here is today's entry from Greenbelt.
Tonight is our only midnight screening
on Repo Road Tour 3, which is exciting. Exciting because 1) REPO! The
Genetic Opera screams "midnight movie", and 2) this later start time
means that maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to catch up on a little sleep
before tonight's show.
16, 2009: It's 11:00am. We meet downstairs, check out of our hotel, and
hit the road. Tonight's stop: Greenbelt, Maryland. Compared to yesterday's
hellish drive from Foxboro to Rutherford, today's road ride is painless.
Alexa drives again, and there are plenty of snacks, good conversations,
& picturesque landscapes to occupy the time.
We arrive at our reserved hotel for the
night, The Econo Lodge. It's late afternoon. From the road, we called ahead
to confirm today's room reservations and got such an odd vibe from the
rep on the phone, that we knew the hotel would present some problems. This
suspicion is confirmed as we walk into the Econo Lodge's lobby, and inhale:
it stinks. Bad. Plus, the hotel's clerk can't seem to figure out how to
work his computer. We watch as he lets a stranger go in and use the bathroom
in one of our potential rooms, and decide to cancel our reservations and
relocate to the Howard Johnson's across the street. This upgrade costs
a little more, but the expense is well worth it as I collapse onto my comfortable
bed for the night, and pass out.
Darren, Alexa, Spooky, & I, meet in
the hotel's lobby at 8:30pm, before driving out to find a restaurant for
dinner. The hotel's clerk, who finds out that we're in the movie business�although
he'd never heard of REPO! before tonight�prints out our imdb pages
and asks us to autograph them. In exchange, the clerk gives us directions
to Greenbelt's "happening" downtown area, where he professes there are
lots of bars and restaurants. We get there and discover that the most "happening"
place on this block-long outdoor mini-mall is an Applebee's.
Alexa orders another steak (impressive),
and again completely cleans her plane (most impressive). We settle our
tab and head off to the Old Greenbelt Theatre, REPO!'s RRT3 venue.
is a small city, positioned somewhere between Washing D.C. and Baltimore.
Our theatre for the night is located within an outdoor shopping center,
positioned somewhere between a photocopy center and a pharmacy.
It's 10:30pm. We pull into the parking
lot, drive past a line of REPO! people collecting in front of the
theatre, and park. Packed into a car beside us, trying to keep warm until
the theatre opens its doors, is a crew of REPO! attendees. How do
we know this? Well, one of them is wearing a Pavi mask. Another is rocking
Blind Mag's bloody tears. I'm not sure that they notice us, but it's sure
hard not to notice them.
We have an interview in the theatre's lobby
in about 10 minutes, so we make our way towards Greenbelt's glowing marquee,
passing the line. It's pretty cold out, but people are happy to see us.
Spooky Dan heads inside and begins setting up our merchandise table as
Alexa, Darren & I hang back and take pictures with REPO!'s fans.
pair of sexy women dressed as scalpel sluts stop me as I pass them in the
line (Elizabeth "dizzylizzy" and Destiny "BloodSaga"). I recognize Liz,
as she and I met in Atlanta on RRT1 back in November. She and Destiny are
traveling to tomorrow's Cincinnati show as well, and then onto Los Angeles
next week for RRT3's finale. Holding a syringe full of Zydrate blue "liquid",
Liz asks me to open my mouth. I do. She aims the tip towards my tonsils,
depresses the syringe's plunger, & fires the aqua-alcoholic contents
into my mouth. I don't close my jaw fast enough, however, and the Zydrate
juice ricochets off the back of my throat, spraying out of my mouth and
all over Liz (way to look cool in front of the hot chicks, GraveRobber!).
Also in line are other familiar faces,
others who have made appearances on previous Road Tour stops: Victoria,
wearing a heart around her neck with an inscription of her REPO!
forum name, "GraveRobber's B*tch", and Dean "Hellbound", dressed as everybody's
favorite GeneCo Bandleader. Victoria hands me a Zydrate blue energy drink,
which is appropriately named "Liquid Z". I give the drink to Spooky Dan
who is so hooked on energy drinks that he should buy stock in Red Bull.
the theatre, I pass a proud father holding a piece of Nathan/Repo Man fan
art that his daughter made. She couldn't be here tonight, but he wanted
to make sure that I saw her work.

I also meet a fella' cross-dressing as Amber Sweet, Michael aka "phobia2.0"
aka Manber Sweet. His costume is great, replete with a diamond encrusted
corset top, knee-high stockings, & black hot pants. He looks so good,
in fact, that I find myself staring�staring a little too much. A very lovely
woman dressed as Blind Mag accompanies him (Kaitlyn "J'adore"). Considering
the circumstances, I don't want to assume that she's a girl, but I find
myself trying to flirt nonetheless. But more impressive than Manber's costume,
or his sexy, red-feathered, dubious cohort, is a piece of original artwork
that he made for me: a painting of yours truly in my GraveRobber garb.
It's good. Really good. The likeness is so spot on, that I'm at a loss
for words.
It's 11:30pm. The theatre opens its doors.
People file in to take their seats. Several fan pre-shows commence on the
Old Greenbelt Theatre's dimly-lit�and very uneven�stage. This results in
a dancing Gentern (Morgan "hununga") breaking her ankle.
It's midnight. Spooky does his nightly
pre-show. Tonight, he invites a couple of fans up to sing portions of REPO!
songs. A lady sings a few bars of "Chromaggia". A dude demonstrates his
Tibetan throat singing skills.

REPO! The Movie screens, and the
crowd is really into it, so much so that the majority of the house sticks
around for a post 2:00am Q & A and autograph signing. I sign a "Copyright
Your DNA" t-shirt, several Zydrate vials, & a folded piece of paper
inked with the words "one soul".
Check out Terrance's site
for a lot more info!

REPO! Road Tour Diary: Greenbelt
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