Before you begin, please study these definitions
so that you will understand some of the posts in FanSpeak.

antiMUSIC: from our mail bag posting
in the Day in Rock - From TFGL4LIFE
I just found your site from the Google
news page and love it but I can’t understand why you call it anti-music.
Response: This is probably one
of the most common questions we get emailed about. I might have answered
it here in the past but it gets asked again. The name is meant partially
to be ironic. A music site called antiMUSIC. But the name originally came
from a line in the book “Broken Record: The Inside Story of the Grammy
Awards” by Henry Schipper. He recounts in the book that the Academy and
their awards program were initially set up as the old-line music biz’s
answer to the growth of Rock n’ Roll, a form of music they considered “Anti-Music”.
Seemed like an appropriate name for us and a celebration of rock.

A hack: Someone of limited,
if not nonexistent, talent that somehow becomes popular.
Hater: Lame term used by
sheepish followers of Hacks or the Hacks themselves to describe people
who have enough taste not to listen to such trite garbage.
Jealous: Another term often
used by hacks and their sheepish followers. In their mind if you do not
like the product produced by the Hack than the only logical reason could
be that you are jealous of their luck at becoming popular with their lack
of talent.
The reality of the matter is those people
often referred to as haters who are accused of being jealous simply have
enough taste and sense not to purchase the products produced by the Hacks
and see the Hacks product for what it is, TOTAL CRAP!

who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions.
enthusiastic follower of a sport or entertainment.
network of web sites dedicated to fan based entertainment content presented
with an iconoclastic flavor.

More coming soon.