
Singled Out: Chonna's Teach Me

Keavin Wiggins | 08-06-2023

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Chonna News Single art August 06, 2023
Single art

Chonna recently released her new single "Teach Me" from her forthcoming album. To celebrate, we asked her to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

My latest single "Teach Me" is like a rollercoaster ride through the different worlds we inhabit. I was the spontaneous, live-in-the-moment kind of gal, while he was more of a straight-laced, by-the-book kind of guy. We were a mismatched pair, but somehow it worked.

In the song, I reflect on how he taught me to slow down and appreciate the simple joys of life. I used to be all about seeking thrills and pushing boundaries, but he showed me the beauty of finding contentment in the everyday moments. It was a revelation for me, a shift from constantly chasing the next big thing to finding happiness in the present.

Together, we struck the perfect balance. He brought stability and a sense of grounding to my wild spirit. I learned that life isn't just about the highs and lows, but also about finding that sweet spot where adventure and peace coexist. He truly taught me how to live and embrace all that life has to offer.

So, join me on this musical journey as we explore the lessons learned from our unlikely pairing. "Teach Me" is a celebration of love, growth, and finding harmony in the most unexpected places. It's a reminder that sometimes, the person who seems so different from us can be the one who teaches us the most valuable lessons about ourselves and life.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the album here

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