
Lamplight Delivers 'Confrontation' Video


Lamplight Delivers 'Confrontation' Video

Lamplight (aka Ian Hatcher-Williams) has premiered an abstract video for his new single "Confrontation," a song that comes from his forthcoming self-titled album that arrives March 8th.

"'Confrontation' is an admission of guilt," says Hatcher-Williams of the song. "Some settle conflicts with fire, exploding back in the direction it came from; I run from it. Friendships, relationships, jobs, confronting family history. Like tea stains spidering at the bottom of a porcelain cup, the liquid evaporates so slowly you don't get to observe it leaving.

"This song came out of reckoning with that - as scared as I am of those explosive moments, the alternative isn't better." Watch the video below:

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Lamplight Delivers 'Confrontation' Video

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