
  Page/Plant/Jones Speaks Out on Led Zeppelin Reunion Rumors

10-22-02 antiGUY
As we reported a couple weeks ago (see story), rumors abounded that Led Zeppelin was planning a tour in the summer of 2003. When none of the principles involved refuted the rumors, we took that a good sign but alas Plant and Page have been heard from and the news isn�t good if you were looking forward to a tour next summer. Below is the press release from Trinifold Management. 

For Immediate Release:

Robert Plant, Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones have issued the following statement:

"Recent reports concerning an alleged Led Zeppelin reunion are completely speculative. We don't know where these stories are coming from, certainly not from anyone in our management offices. There is no tour, there are no plans for a tour and no discussions about any tour have taken place."

more on Led Zeppelin
