
  Kelly Osbourne to Shut Up Next Month

10-18-02 antiGUY
Just when you thought it was safe to return to the record store, Kelly Osbourne announces her full-length debut album, titled �Shut Up�. Let�s face it a new album from Jennifer Love Hewitt is enough to keep people away from the new CD bin like the plague, now we have legendary metal star Ozzy Osbourne�s daughter trying to follow in daddy�s footsteps and the hype about this so called �anti-debutante� has just begun (and we though Avril was supposed to be the anti-debutante?). 

Mark your calendars because the North American release of Kelly�s opus is set for November 26th.  Still no word on Jack�s �How to play Dungeons and Dragons� instructional home video and DVD will be released. 

Here is how Kelly�s webmaster hyped, opps I mean announced the album release: 

�After weeks of waiting for the mastered album, now hot off the presses, it is in my grubby paws. It Rocks, with a capital R; oh my God, does it RAWK!!! If you're booty is jigglin' like puddin' after the opener "Disconnected" blares, you must be pulseless! A video was shot for the title track last Friday in Los Angeles, lensed by Evan Bernard. Not sure what the concept is or any specifics but it will soon be on MTV all over the world. The album is due in stores November 26 (in the U.S.), and the first single is, you got it, "Shut Up!". So shut your yapper and get ready for the worldwide coming-out of everyone's favorite anti-debutate [sic] Kelly Osbourne, who turns 18 October 27!�