
Singled Out: Agnostic Front's Old New York

Today Mike Gallo from Agnostic Front tells us about the song "Old New York" from their new album "The American Dream Died," which came out this week (April 7th). Here is the story:

I'm sitting here in the kitchen of Vinny Stigma's apartment one afternoon. He kept going on and on about how much the city has changed and how much he hates it. He loves to go on his rants. I hear him over and over again. He's like a broken record. He is funny at times the way he says things but a lot of things he was saying were right. So I was sitting with the guitar as he keeps bickering away and I hear him say, "Ahh. I miss the old New York." That stuck in my head.

I was playing around with a few riffs and it fit perfectly in the chorus. After that, everything just started coming together. The next week, I jammed with Pokey in the studio and we laid the drums down along with the guitar. I did vocals over the music and we took the idea from there.
It's the last song I wrote for the record. It just came together so fast and I believe it's one of the strongest tracks on the record. This song will definitely be an Agnostic Front classic!

The biggest problem with New York City today is the fact that it's being stripped of its culture. They're pushing the middle and lower classes out. It's becoming too expensive for artists and musicians to live here. So what's happening is we're losing a lot of music venues and creativity. Now it just seems to be overrun by greedy yuppies. Most of the people that live in the city are not real New Yorkers. They're all transplants. This is why New York City feel so different.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, and learn more about the album right here!

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