
Les Paul Estate Auction Planned (A Top Story)

On Friday Les Paul Estate Auction Planned was a top story. Here is the recap: Julien's Auctions and the Les Paul Foundation have partnered for an auction of property and collection of guitars, equipment and musical artifacts from the legendary musician, engineer and inventor Les Paul.

The auction event will take place on June 8-9, 2012 in honor of what would have been Paul's 97th birthday. (June 9, 2012).

Les Paul, born Lester Polsfuss in Waukesha, Wisconsin in 1915, was on his way to making his mark on the history of 20th Century music at an early age. He was born with an inquisitive streak that he described as, "�curiosity and I got a double dose of it. I've never stopped trying to figure out what makes things work or how to make things work better." It was this curiosity that spurred his lifelong quest to find the perfect sound in his instruments, recordings and performances. - more on this story

Les Paul CDs, DVDs and MP3s

Les Paul T-shirts and Posters

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