
Will.i.am's Dream Collaboration With Rolling Stones Mick Jagger (A Top Story)

On Wednesday Will.i.am's Dream Collaboration With Rolling Stones Mick Jagger was a top story. Here is the recap: (Gibson) Nobody says no to Will.i.am. Yet, when the rapper and producer set out to record his new single, "T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever)," he thought there was little chance Rolling Stone Mick Jagger would agree to collaborate on the song.

In fact, that was his reason for asking Jagger. "I went to play material for the label and Jimmy Iovine's like, 'Yo, this is dope. Who are you gonna put on it?,'" Will told Rolling Stone. "I'm like, 'What are you talking about? It's finished, it's me.' So, he's like, 'Oh, you don't feature no one?'"

Will.i.am had to think fast. Who would be impossible to get on the song? "So I think of the hardest thing ever. And it happened, Mick Jagger. I just wanted to throw something out there that I thought could never be possible so they would stop asking me." - Of course, Jagger agreed to do it

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Copyright Gibson.com - Excerpted here with permission.

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