
Spock's Beard Lose Their Voice (A Top Story)

On Wednesday Spock's Beard Lose Their Voice was a top story. Here is the recap: (Rock News Desk) Spock's Beard vocalist Nick D'Virgilio has left the band to focus on his solo career and role as a musician in circus show Cirque du Soleil.

He says: "Working for Cirqe du Soleil is great because I am finally able to fully support my family with this very unstable life I chose as a musician, but also very tough because this job has made it hard to do other things, and the main thing is Spock's Beard.

"I have had the best time and have made some of the best music of my career with Dave, Al, Ryo and Neal, and will take those memories with me for the rest of my life." - More rock news

RockNewsDesk.com is an official news provider for antiMusic.com.
Copyright RockNewsDesk.com- Excerpted here with permission.

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