
Slipknot's Corey Taylor Vs Rick Rubin (A Top Story)

On Wednesday Slipknot's Corey Taylor Vs Rick Rubin was a top story. Here is the recap: (Rock News Desk) Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor has slammed Rick Rubin as "overrated" and "overpaid" and says he'll never work with the producer again.

They collaborated on Slipknot's 2004 album Vol. 3 (The Subliminal Verses) and although other members of the band have said it was a good experience, Taylor had always been more cautious in his comments.

Speaking at a question-answer session with fans in Texas on Friday, the singer finally let loose his full feelings on the subject of Rubin, known for his work with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Slayer, Metallica and the upcoming Black Sabbath reunion album. - Read his strong words about Rubin here.

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Copyright RockNewsDesk.com- Excerpted here with permission.

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