
Skrillex Fans Can't Wait for Korn Collaboration (A Top Story)

On Wednesday Skrillex Fans Can't Wait for Korn Collaboration was a top story. Here is the recap: (Rock News Desk) Korn drummer Ray Luzier loved taking a risk by collaborating with dubstep musician Skrillex on their new album.

He says: "That's what I love about this band � they're not afraid to try new things.

"I'm already having e-mails from Skrillex fans saying they don't own a Korn record, but they can't wait for the new album. I'm sure we'll piss off a lot of die-hards, but there's nothing wrong with being creative and expanding what you're doing." (Loudwire) - More rock news

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Copyright RockNewsDesk.com- Excerpted here with permission.

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