
Iron Maiden Frontman Wants To Save Airline (A Top Story)

On Wednesday Iron Maiden Frontman Wants To Save Airline was a top story. Here is the recap: (Rock News Desk) Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson has vowed to save the airline he worked for after it entered administration this week.

The singer started flying planes for Astreus because he wanted to pilot large vehicles he could never afford himself. Maiden hired their Boeing 757 Ed Force One from the firm. Earlier this year he also became its marketing director.

Astreus stopped trading on Monday after Dickinson landed its final flight � but he says it could be the best thing to happen under the circumstances.
Dickinson says, "I'm already working on a plan to save Astreus, or at least create a new business with new jobs for my friends and former colleagues. This is a serious plan involving people who are very good at their jobs." - A lot more from Bruce here.

RockNewsDesk.com is an official news provider for antiMusic.com.
Copyright RockNewsDesk.com- Excerpted here with permission.

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