
Hagar Wants Van Halen To Make A Great Record (A Top Story)

On Wednesday Hagar Wants Van Halen To Make A Great Record was a top story. Here is the recap: (Gibson) With Van Halen apparently inking a big deal with Interscope and Eddie Van Halen basically staying out of the press, fans are extra curious about just what to expect from Van Halen's long-awaited new tracks.

Since Eddie is M.I.A., former Van Halen singer Sammy Hagar offered his thoughts about the forthcoming Van Halen release, claiming that he has only the highest hopes for the album. "I'll be the first guy waiting in line at the record store, if I could find one anymore," he told Rolling Stone.

"I'll be really curious. I think they owe the fans that. I would love to see them make a great record. They have some of the most loyal fans in rock, and they've been treated so, so bad these last 20 years. I'm a real fan friendly guy." - more on this story

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