
Faulkner Not Trying To Replace KK In Judas Priest (A Top Story)

On Wednesday Faulkner Not Trying To Replace KK In Judas Priest was a top story. Here is the recap: (Rock News Desk) Richie Faulkner understands some Judas Priest fans are finding it difficult to accept his arrival in the band after KK Downing quit.

The guitarist says: "I'm not there to replace a forty-year career. Ken was influential. He was a guitar idol of mine. I know as a fan what the fans can expect, and I'm just there to do the best I can for the band and the fans."

Bandmate Glenn Tipton recently revealed how Faulkner didn't believe the offer to join Priest was genuine � now Faulkner reveals his side of the story. - Read that here.

RockNewsDesk.com is an official news provider for antiMusic.com.
Copyright RockNewsDesk.com- Excerpted here with permission.

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