
Rihanna Appears On The Ellen Degeneres Show (Recap)

On Tuesday Rihanna Appears On The Ellen Degeneres Show was a top story. Here is the recap: (popmusiclife) The new Rihanna album, "Talk That Talk," is now out and the pop superstar stopped by the Ellen DeGeneres show on Monday to promote its release.

During their chat, Rihanna opened up to Ellen about her dating life�or lack of it. "I am not dating anyone right now," she said. "I am not dating at all."

"I am not necessarily happy being single. It's not really that cool," continued Rihanna. "It sucks, but it is what it is. There are things that � Let me say this right. Not make it like my work is my everything. I do put a lot into my job � It definitely affects my personal life. My personal life is non-existent, which is not good, for the long run, not for me, not for 'her,'" as she pointed downward. - Check out video here.

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Copyright popmusiclife - Excerpted here with permission.

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