
Aerosmith's Hamilton Issues Post Tour Update (A Top Story)

On Tuesday Aerosmith's Hamilton Issues Post Tour Update was a top story. Here is the recap: (hennemusic) Aerosmith's Tom Hamilton checks in from the road with a recap of the band's recent South & Central American tour.

The 10-show tour kicked off October 22 in Lima, Peru, where singer Steven Tyler was already feeling the effects of flu-like symptons; the band dropped several classics from the setlist (no "Dream On" !) to accommodate his voice issues. At the tour's second stop - in Asuncion, Paraguay � Tyler's illness hit him hard while in the hotel shower, causing him to pass out and hit his head. Some broken teeth, bruises and cuts were touched up and Tyler was back on stage after a day's delay in doing the show.

The rest of the tour went by without headline-making incidents, but as Hamilton reports, the support of fans made them feel right at home. "What a great time we had," says Tom. "What great fans." - more on this story

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Copyright hennemusic - Excerpted here with permission.

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