
Gwar To Carry On With Tour After Guitarist's Death (A Top Story)

On Monday Gwar To Carry On With Tour After Guitarist's Death was a top story. Here is the recap: (Freeman) Gwar plan to carry on with their Europe tour in Jan. 2012, despite the recent death of guitarist Cory Smoot, during the bands "Return of the World Maggot Tour".

Said Gwar spokesman Dave Brockie a.k.a. Oderus Urungus-- "When Cory died, we all wanted to go home and take care of the family and our own grief. But the best way to do that is by playing all the shows we have planned. The response from the U.S. metal community and especially the whole international GWAR family has been overwhelmingly supportive...these GWAR fans need the chance to pay their respects to Cory, and cancelling any shows would deprive them of that."

"Let's make these shows a celebration of Cory Smoot, one of the most amazing players in metal...I am calling on the European GWAR family to get out there and drag everybody in sight to these gigs! We shall honor Flattus Maximus in the only way we know how...by rocking the f*** out!!!" - more on this story

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