
Bon Jovi Cover Guitarist Loses It (A Top Story)

On Monday Bon Jovi Cover Guitarist Loses It was a top story. Here is the recap: Ultimate Classic Rock reports that a guitar player in a Bon Jovi cover band decides he simply can't bare the thought of running through a mediocre cover of 'You Give Love a Bad Name' for what could be for the hundredth time � so rather than fake it, he takes the most rock 'n' roll way out.

AYouTube clip� first discovered by the badass site Badass Digest � captures it all.

As the singer launches into that familiar "Shot through the heart / and you're to blame" intro, the guitarist decides he's had enough, smashes his instrument with his best 'London Calling' over-the-shoulders swing, tosses the it to the side of the stage and ambles off. - Check it out

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Copyright Ultimate Classic Rock - Excerpted here with permission.

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