
Singled Out: Ida Mae's American Cars


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Singled Out: Ida Mae's American Cars

Ida Mae just released their new album "Thunder Above You," and to celebrate they tell us about the new single "American Cars". Here is the story:

'American Cars' is a Bonnie and Cylde rock n' roller. It's about escaping the suburbs and the adrenaline fuelled moments of falling in love for the first time. Against the odds and against good advice. It's the deep inhale and scream, discovering a new world outside of your upbringing.

Using a 1950s style Fender Stratocaster and a $20 plastic fuzz pedal this song came to life. We cut it live with Ethan Johns on Drums and Nick Pini on bass in a makeshift studio in a mansion house in Norfolk, UK.

Buried in the mix you will hear 1950s interviews and conversation about the state of 'The Teenager' and the sound of internet dial up. Like torn up pieces of memories from our own pasts.

I can hear the influence of Led Zeppelin, Hendrix, The Meters, The Kills and The Beatles all churned up in there somewhere.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the album here

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