
Singled Out: Sandy Bell's Monster Trying To Be A Lover


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Singled Out: Sandy Bell's Monster Trying To Be A Lover

Acclaimed alternative musician, singer-songwriter Sandy Bell just released her new album, "ENTELECHY" and to celebrate we asked her to tell us about the single "Monster Trying To Be A Lover". Here is the story:

"Monster Trying to be a Lover" { or... the Love Avoidant Cheer Song } I was not designed to be in a relationship. At least that's how it feels sometimes.. There was a period of time where I felt like a caged animal and would intentionally bite any hand that tried to feed me. I was a beast.

One fine summer day, using some pretty cutting & manipulative words, I hurt someone I deeply loved. The worst part is that what I said - I said on purpose. I hurt someone -.... on purpose. I looked in their eyes and thought - 'Why in the world would you ever do something like this?' This was an alarming realization that forced me deep down into my psyche only to find that I have a very savage part of me that is in desperate need of an evolutionary assist. And it turned out that the pain I was capable of causing others, is a hurt that I carry inside toward myself.

What if I just started by naming that very part of me that is capable of depravity? And what if - once named - I owned them, and maybe even started to understand them, and invite them into the very wholeness of my being. It was a mere glimpse of the beginning of an internal integration which has served me well thus far. I started writing the song 'Monster Trying to be a Lover' as an apology to my Lover, and ended up falling in Love with the monster inside of me.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the album here

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Singled Out: Sandy Bell's Monster Trying To Be A Lover

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