
Paula Abdul Flips Out

(Hecklerspray) The sky is still blue (in most places outside of LA and Mexico City), the earth is still round and yes Paula Abdul still does crazy things in public. Flipping out on her flip phone? Our friends at Hecklerspray have the story: If there's a new season of American Idol starting, it must be time to begin our annual 'Paula Abdul is a flipping loon' blowout.

So hats off to Paula Abdul, then, for announcing the start of American Idol 2008 by apparently having a bewildering emotional breakdown in an airport where she started wailing like a poltergeist in front of everyone. A source told Radaronline:

"She had an insane nervous breakdown that lasted 10 minutes. One minute she was hyperventilating and on the verge of passing out; the next she was yelling into her cell phone in this deep, rage-filled Poltergeist voice. She kept screaming three names over and over�Michael, Sidney, and Leslie. Everyone was staring at her, but she didn't care." - more on this story

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