
  American Idol Turned Murderer? 

03-5-03 antiGUY
A bar fight turned deadly for one American Idol contestant and he now faces possible involuntary manslaughter charges. 

Earlier this season American Idol contestant Jaered Andrews was disqualified from the show for unknown reasons. The speculation when he was dropped was that he was disqualified because a background check discovered that he was a member of the Youngstown-based hip-hop band Ordinary Peoples, which violated the contest rules for the show.

Now it appears that he may have been dropped because he is facing criminal charges. 

The charges stem from a bar fight that took place outside the Blue Ribbon Grille in Farrell, Pennsylvania back in November.  It has been reported that Andrews was at the bar with friends celebrating his success at making the semifinals for American Idol 2 and he got into a fight with another patron, 39-year-old Thomas Blakeley. 

According to the Mercer County District Attorney�s office, Andrews allegedly struck Blakeley in the face causing him to fall backwards and strike his head on concrete, forcing his brain to hit the front of his skull. 

Robert Kochems, District Attorney of Mercer County, described the wound as a �counter coup injury.� And said that it is the same type of injury suffered by infants if they are shaken too hard. 

Andrews has been official charged with assault but more charges including involuntary manslaughter are possible. Andrews is set to appear in court on March 14th for a preliminary hearing. 

