Alter Bridge
with Submersed
Oct. 12th @ The Rock Club
in Pittsburgh
By Linda Spielman |
When I decided I wanted to cover this show
at The Rock Club, I have to admit I think it was more out of curiosity
than actual appreciation or interest for the band Alter Bridge. For those
of you who don't know the band, you may know them in their previous life
as Creed. With the dismissal of former lead singer Scott Stapp, the former
entity has been given new life, a new sound, a new lead singer and a new
legion of fans.
Before I get into the main attraction
of the evening, I need to give mad props to the opening act Submersed.
This band was off the hook. They say, everything's bigger in Texas. Well,
these Stephenville, Texas, boys have a sound and music bigger than their
state's motto. Despite their bawdy and solid sound, their musical inspiration
is enlightening and truly thought provoking for world and personal change.
Lead singer Donald Carpenter's lyrical expression of wearing his heart,
and all his personal trials and inner demons on his sleeve doesn't come
across sappy or gushy. The emotional introspective look at lives and events
that make people think and react via such songs as "Hollow", show that
a person can feel the most intense negativity but at the same time the
most positive energy. It exemplifies the how we as people can both love
and hate at the same time, yet struggle to choose one or the other.
In music it tends to be assumed that if
your music has a definite, positive, or blatantly thought provoking message,
then your validity to rock is weakened or compromised. It's a stereotype
that fortunately is being proven wrong with such bands as Alter Bridge,
POD, Switchfoot and Submersed. The fact that all five members of Submersed
are very proactive in the conception of all of their songs, the end result
is hard hitting rock music. Despite the first response of many people to
not give opening bands a chance, Submersed pretty much left everyone's
jaws on the floor at The Rock Club. Their impressive 45 minute set included
most of their debut CD entitled "In Due Time". For those who came early
to either drink or get a good spot in front of the stage got a treat by
one of the most
impressive up and coming bands I have
seen in a very long time. They instantly won over the crowd with their
music and enthusiasm. Any naysayers in the audience were silenced if thoughts
of a mediocre open act were assumed when they walked in the door that night.
Submersed, definitely stole the show in my opinion for the evening.
Like I said, I truly think many of the
people who came out to see Alter Bridge wanted to see if they were as good
or better than their previous alter ego. From the buzz in the room, a lot
of people actually wanted them to be fail in some way. It's hard to win
over an old audience with a new lead singer, not to mention a whole new
name and musical outlook. However, despite name changes and new faces the
talent that made Creed popular is still the root and soul of Alter Bridge.
The similarities between the band and their opening act may have a lot
to due with the fact that Mark Tremonti produced the Submersed CD. I too
was curious as to how they would hold up live to the image I had of them
from the past. Myles Kennedy vocals are haunting similar to that of Creed's
lead singer Scott Stapp. But leave all comparisons otherwise at the front
door. Kennedy seems to have brought a renewed life to Alter Bridge. His
stage presence is hypnotizing and his vocal range is equally impressive.
The band has lost a little bit of their edge, but doesn't fall short of
pleasing the crowd with their music. For those who went to this showing
wanted to hate, whether they want to admit it or not were obviously impressed.
The release of the CD still proves these guys have the what it takes to
move listeners and an audience with their brand of alternative rock. They
didn't deprive the audience members who may not have even picked up the
CD to a full show. It was a slow transition of the hour plus set to bring
the audience completely around and accept the reincarnation of this band.
Creed is gone, they will never exist again. What Tremonti, Kennedy, Phillips
and Marshall have achieved is taking their talent as a lyrical and musical
artists to a new level. They can keep or lose former fans, but they are
constantly winning over new ones with the release of the CD and the intimate
live shows that truly showcase their talent as a rock band.
My curiosity fulfilled, and new respect
given to both Submersed and Alter Bridge who won over old and new fans
with their show at The Rock Club in Pittsburgh.
Alter Bridge's music and listen to samples.
the official Alter Bridge website for more on the band.
Submersed's music and listen to samples.
the official Submersed website for more on the band.