
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult - Gay, Black & Married Review

With the recent, well documented explosion of interest in and fervent desire for quality disco music, Thrill Kill Kult leads the pack with their perfect introduction to what good disco should sound like. Not every band that aspires to undertake releasing such a technically challenging, superb style of music has the required talent to master such a daunting task! Disco is so much more than boring, uninspired, unoriginal music that sounds as if it were generated by a robot using a computer on a loop cycle. With myths such as that threatening to strangle the wonderfulitude that is true disco, it is with great relief that I announce the release of this album by Thrill Kill Kult, a band recently named as part of the US Guv'mint's war on terror! Finally! A CD for people threatened by variety! This is the CD for you & your entire neighborhood, chock full of songs that will take you back & remind you of the greats of the 70s as you dance & wonder why anyone listens to anything else.

The only disappointment is the name of the band. Thrill Kill Kult is such an odd choice of name for a band making such great music! Don't be afraid of death metal attacking you on this, this is hardcore DISCO!! Yeah, get the strobe lights & polyester bell bottoms, baby!! The first song has qualities that are so universal, so CD wide, so great, so excellent & so outstanding that the phrase "mindlessly repetitive" & "unchallenged by originality" will be recycled through this review the way they recycle vocal tracks & drum beats throughout their song list.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if John Cougar Mellonhead got into a car crash with Queen In the Jackson 5's front yard? YEAH!! This is what that would sound like! So mindlessly repetitive, unchallenged by originality that i want to lay down and scream after I hear this second song! The really mindlessly repetitive, unchallenged by originality third song, which I think features Brittney & Madonna making a cameo. Their exact contribution is recycled in the mindlessly repetitive, unchallenged by originality track 11, fortunately, in case your CD player skips this 7 minute 40 second long masterpiece! The fourth song, not only featuring mindlessly repetitive, unchallenged by originality background ambience clocks in at a full 8 minutes & 34 seconds! No one better dare accuse TKK of shorting fans of great music, they play songs so long you can take an entire nap in the time it takes to finish one song & wake up with enough time to make a sandwich!

Clearly, this is a full service band, eager to ensure that their thousands of followers get enough sleep & proper nutrition. This song also features a musical bouquet offered to the Miami Vice soundtrack. Sheer brilliance! No one ever before this CD considered combining the 80s pop culture and disco, doesn't startling flashes of originality like this leave you gasping for breath with a numb left arm as you experience chest pains!! call 911 immediately, this could be a sign of a serious condition that has nothing to do with bedazzlement at the obviously praiseworthy!

Song 5 represents a real musical partnership with the Rolling Stones, who remember Disco well enough to have donated their song "Shattered" for the Disco Kill Kult to rework yet leave the same. Mindlessly repetitive, unchallenged by originality just doesn't come close to describing how skillfully they pull this one off! the rest of the CD is simply too good to be categorized here for your amusement. I'll only say that any CD that features musical tribute to the Pointer Sisters, Herbie Hancock, Glenn Fry, banging on electric fences and music that defies explanation is a CD that deserves to be played to tatters. In the face of such beautiful, raw talent, unencumbered by modern, fascist concerns about what sounds good, all I can do is order you to rush out & buy this CD till it hurts. Christmas is coming up fast & anyone who doesn't get one of these as a gift is going to hate you for your selfish stupidity, and might even sue you! Avoid the rush & buy lots NOW!!

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My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult - Gay, Black & Married

Label:Rykodisc (USA)

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