Before the Dawn � My Darkness
By Zane Ewton

Before the Dawn � My Darkness 
Label: Locomotive Music

Bad gothic poetry and progressive guitars create a crunch and a growl that is both interesting and unremarkable.

Before the Dawn hearken back to a time when metal was epic and bare-chested.  Double bass drums and double guitars blast bone crushing beats and riffs.  The vocals switch around between Bruce Dickinson worship and a love of the Cookie Monster.
The most obvious weakness in My Darkness is the use of the Cookie Monster growl.  It seems the band was trying to update the sound by peppering the songs with nu-metal�s favorite vocal style, but it only detracts from the band�s power.
The album has some memorable moments, songs like �Father and Son� and �Human Hatred� are solid, rocking songs.  Unfortunately the album doesn�t leave many lasting impressions.  Once it is done, you will find it easily to walk away and forget what it is you just heard.  Mostly because you have heard it before and have heard it better.
One note of interest is how bad the lyrics are, they are mind numbing.  For example from the song �Alone�:
�This sense of failure haunting still
Lack of Confidence
Feeding my Fear
Descending sun invites the darkness in
The child inside with silent cry�
And from the final track, �04:16 am�

 �4:16 a.m.
All the small things
Grow 1000 times
I was murdered by beauty�

Fortunately the music overpowers the lyrics and the Dickinson-esque vocals fit the music well.  Anyone who doesn�t know who Bruce Dickinson is should probably stay away from this album.

CD Info and Links

My Darkness
Take My Pain
Father And Son
Human Hatred
04.16 AM
Listen to samples and Purchase this CD online