
Seacrest American Idiot

(Extra TV) Extra has learned the hardest working man in showbiz today Ryan Seacrest had a few scary moments Monday as he cut himself while falling through a glass table.

Ryan says he's just fine, but it was "Just typical. I am the biggest klutz on the face of the earth."

"I was in a meeting with [Idol Executive Producer] Nigel," Ryan said Tuesday morning on his radio show on Los Angeles' KIIS-FM, "It was a closed door meeting. We're walking through details of what's coming up tonight and tomorrow night. There's a bulletin board with all these cards on the bulletin board and on those cards are the different moving parts of the show so they can change things around. So I go walk over to see the board a little bit closer and there's a glass table next to the board that's framed by a little bit of metal... I decide �I'm 155 lbs, I can sit on this thing!'" Think again Ryan! The next thing he heard was a "huge pop" and "I fall between the framing, into the middle, my legs up in the air in a pool of glass. I felt like the biggest idiot!"[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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