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Evanescence Rip Off?
Blabbermouth reports: Ricardo Baca of
Denver Post reviewed EVANESCENCE's performance at the Fillmore on Tuesday
night (Feb. 17).
"Gone in 60 minutes. That's how the Fillmore marquee at Tuesday's EVANESCENCE show should have read," he wrote.
"The Grammy-winning band reminded fans of its youth and inexperience with an hour-long set that was short on passion and exposition but long on Pro Tools rigging and heavy-metal posturing.
"An hour is how long it takes pizza-delivery guys on a Friday night. An hour is two reruns of 'The Simpsons', or one of 'The Littlest Groom'.
"An hour, however, is not a headliner's set � not even for a new band just a year beyond its major-label debut. You're superstars less than two weeks off a Grammy win and coming through Denver for the third time in less than a year playing to 3,600 fans at a sold-out Fillmore Auditorium ... and you give them an hour? (That includes the encore!) And then it's, 'Thank you � good night'?"- Click Here for the Full Story
Darkness Vs. Radiohead
Ananova reports: The Darkness have slammed
Radiohead - their main rivals at this year's Brit Awards - by calling them
Guitarist Dan Hawkins told Netzeitung that Radiohead couldn't hold up to the stage antics of his brother Justin.
He said: "Most of these modern bands are so unbearably serious they leave me cold. Radiohead are totally boring.
"The world needs a showman like Justin who puts on his monkey outfit and entertains people. I haven't bought anything by these modern bands in a while. They're all wet rags."
Hawkins added: "Bands like Radiohead are great for our business, of course, because there's been a total Radiohead-isation of the British music scene. Coldplay, Turin Brakes, Starsailor - all of these groups have put together their selection from the Radiohead menu." - Click Here for the Full Story
Bizkit Kissed Off
Blabbermouth reports: LIMP BIZKIT have
reportedly been booted off the upcoming KISS tour of Australia, which is
now scheduled to begin in May. KISS fans Down Under made it clear to local
promoter that they Andrew McManus Presents that they wanted a more suitable
opening act for the trek and the promoter eventually obliged � but not
before firing off a letter to the protesting fans emphasizing the key "selling
points" for the KISS/BIZKIT package, none of which seemed convincing in
the least. KISS are said to be planning a U.S. summer tour beginning in
June which will reportedly include a more traditional hard rock-oriented
opening act, with BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION and POISON being mentioned as distinct
possibilities. - Click
Here for the Full Story
Ozzfest Lineup
siN's metal news. reports: SMNnews.com
can be the first metal news site on the net to bring you OZZFEST 2004's
official lineup!
We brought you the predictions first, and we broke the news about SUPERJOINT RITUAL, JUDAS PRIEST, BLACK LABEL SOCIETY, BLEEDING THROUGH, ATREYU, EVERYTIME I DIE, UNEARTH, LAMB OF GOD all being on the bill!
So now we bring you OZZFEST 2004's lineup first!
Here is what the final lineup will ultimately end up looking like - it's unclear whether more bands will be added at the moment:
The Main Stage
Ozzy Osbourne (headlining)
Judas Priest (co-headliners)
Dimmu Borgir
Superjoint Ritual
Black Label Society
The Second Stage
Slipknot (headlining)
Hatebreed (co-headliners)
Lamb of God
Bands who will rotate
Bleeding Through
Lacuna Coil
Every Time I Die
God Forbid - Click
Here for the Full Story
Check siN's for some more info and see screenshots they got of the Ozzfest website leak.
Blabbermouth reports: Former QUEENS OF
THE STONE AGE bassist Nick Oliveri has posted the following message on
the web site of his MONDO GENERATOR project:
"Hello everybody. I'm in L.A., and it's getting to be too much. You know what I mean? I'm ready to go out on tour again with MONDO GENERATOR. I just wanted to tell you folks what's really goin' on � good news and bad news. The bad news, which you all know, is that QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE, as we all know it, is no more. I heard it's now called 'QUEENS LITE.' Unfortunately, I was fired, and Mark Lanegan decided to cut out from the QUEENS and focus on his solo project. His new record will be out this spring.
"Anyways, a pure idea has been polluted. It's funny. 'a band about an idea? The concept was simple: A ROCK BAND, selfless, mindless, ego-free, unprotected, about danger, sex, and no bulls*** rock 'n roll. You know what happens when a pure and original rock band gets polluted, poisoned by hunger for power, and by control issues? Things get really out of control. I'm noticing that people start fighting for control, especially when they realize they have no control. And what ever happened to loyalty?
"The strongest leaders are chosen by their followers, not self-appointed. The best front men are chosen by their fans. At one time, the thing I really loved about the QUEENS was that there were three front men, organic and original. I'd never heard of a rock band with three lead singers, with three different voices. My favorite band is dead.
R.I.P.- Click
Here for the Full Story
Blabbermouth has more from Nick and his future plans
Blabbermouth reports: KISS bassist/vocalist
Gene Simmons has posted the following message on his official web site:
"My book 'Sex Money Kiss' has done very well, thanks to all of you. To celebrate its success, my partners New Millennium/Simmons Books will shortly be releasing a series of FOUR DIFFERENT COVERED VERSIONS, with some new pages detailing some of the newer projects I've gotten involved in.- Click Here for the Full Story
You could add some substance to the book instead of adding stuff about your new money making projects Gene. Ok enuff Gene Greed KI$$ News for a while. But I still don't know why they are afraid to do an interview with us? [sarcasm off]
New Found CD
RIFTrock reports: New Found Glory have
titled their upcoming album Catalyst. The album will be released May 18th
on Drive-Thru Records. After the album is released the band will be playing
the Vans Warped Tour to promote their new material. -
Here for the Full Story
NIN Tales
siN's metal news reports: The NINE INCH
NAILS rumour mill is once again in full effect. Product Shop NYC are reporting
that NINE INCH NAILS are set to be headlining this years LOLLAPALOOZA 2004
and will have their album all finished and released by July.
The NIN Hotline, however, is refuting all rumors and quite rightly so.
"I want to stress to you that every rumor about a show in the last three years or so has turned out to be completely and utterly false." - Click Here for the Full Story
New Beastie
Billboard reports: The Beastie Boys' next
studio album will be released in early June via Capitol, according to an
e-mail sent to members of the band's mailing list.
"We are in the studio finishing it now," the group said. "We're putting the final touches on the mixes right now and it will be out beginning of June." - Click Here for the Full Story
Melvins Books
I Ate Your Microphone reports: More information
has emerged on the upcoming 20th anniversary book from the Melvins, which
is to be titled "Neither Here Nor There". The coffee table book will be
made available in a limited edition from March 09th at shows and from the
Ipecac webstore, which will consist of an autographed hard cover version
along with an exclusive compilation CD of the subject.-
Here for the Full Story
Coffee table book? Now how punk rock is that?
Hooba Makes A Stink
Net Music Countdown reports: Being deemed
"the most faceless band" of 2002 by some members of the media didn't just
roll off the back of Hoobastank guitarist Dan Estrin.
"We got nominated as the No. 1 Most Faceless Band, and it said some stupid stuff in there which basically stated, 'It's not about the music, it's what you look like.' How lame is that? Whether it's true or not, it shouldn't be about that. It should be about the music," says Estrin, adding that the album the nomination was based on sold more than a million copies.
"Sorry we're not The Strokes; sorry we're not The White Stripes," he apologizes, adding, "If you are part of the press, I hate you guys."
Non-press are welcome and encouraged to attend any or all of the shows on Hoobastank's spring tour, where they perform with Linkin Park and Story of the Year. - Click Here for the Full Story
Come on Dan, you're using this for press. In December you and Doug did an interview with Joe D'Angelo of MTV. Remember? "I think they were trying to insult us, but it was really a compliment." and you said "We don't look like guys in a band." That's right, you guys kind of look like dorks, so maybe that why your record co. doesn't push you as a boyband with guitars. Seems the only ones making a big deal out it is you. It's 2004, get over your 2002 negative award. Of course, you will be getting an anti-Award this year.
Rare Weezer
Billboard reports: Weezer has nailed down
details for an expanded reissue of its self-titled 1994 "Blue Album" and
the retrospective DVD "Video Capture Device." Both items will arrive March
23 via Geffen. The CD's first disc will sport the original 10-track album,
while a second disc, "Dusty Gems and Raw Nuggets," collects 14 rare cuts.
Among them are the B-sides "Mykel and Carli," "Susanne" and "My Evaline," live versions of "My Name Is Jonas," "Surfwax America," "Jamie" (acoustic) and "No One Else" (acoustic), previously unreleased "kitchen" recordings of "Paperface" and "Only in Dreams," pre-production versions of "Lullaby for Wayne" and "I Swear It's True" and the original album mix of "Say It Ain't So." - Click Here for the Full Story
Billboard has more info on these releases including DVD tidbits
Poison Silence
antiMUSIC reports: A couple weeks ago
we ran a story at antiMUSIC about questions that were brought up about
the authorship of Poison's first hit "Talk Dirty To Me". (click full story
link below to read that article) We attempted to contact both sides to
get their side of the story. We did email Bret Michaels publicist but never
heard back. But we do have an official response from the Billy McCarthy
camp. Below is a statement issued by his publicist on Wednesday.
Statement from Billy McCarthy spokesman John Digles regarding the recent controversy over authorship of the hit song "Talk Dirty to Me."
We have received numerous inquiries regarding authorship of the hit song 'Talk Dirty to Me.' Billy McCarthy played an important role in the sound of 80's rock as founder of D'Molls and in his work as a composer, drummer and producer with some leading rock bands. Billy thanks the fans for their interest and support. In recognition of his friendship with C.C. Deville, Billy is declining to comment on the story at this time. Fans who want a first-hand look at Billy's writing artistry should check out his debut novel, The Devil of Shakespeare, due this June. You can also preorder the novel on www.amazon.com and www.billymccarthy.com. The authorship of that work is not in question. - Click Here for the Full Story
Moody Idol
VH1 reports: With two projects under his
belt and a third on the horizon, former Evanescence guitarist Ben Moody
has become the unlikely go-to guy for pop stars who want to get their rock
A month after news broke that he was writing songs with Avril Lavigne, he's now showing Kelly Clarkson how to throw up her horns. "Let's face it, everyone wants to rock, it's just that some people aren't allowed to on their first record," Moody said. "We're born to do it. If you have an entire record without a guitar anywhere, that shouldn't be legal."
Moody explained that the "American Idol" winner's soulful voice lends itself to music that's a bit edgier than what's found on her debut, Thankful.
"It's cool because [Kelly] wants to do some branching out, and I'm doing nothing but branching out," Moody said. "We got together and she had all these songs in mind of what she wanted to do. It's just a really, really cool process for me, because everybody is a new experience. Everybody works differently."- Click Here for the Full Story
You know where to click to find out more
In Flames Tracks
The PRP reports: The tentative track listing
to In Flames' upcoming new album "Soundtrack To Your Escape" has been released
and is as follows:
01 - "F(r)iend"
02 - "The Quiet Place"
03 - "Dead Alone"
04 - "Touch Of Red"
05 - "Like You Better Dead"
06 - "My Sweet Shadow"
07 - "Evil In A Closet"
08 - "In Search For I"
09 - "Borders And Shading"
10 - "Superhero Of The Computer Age"
11 - "Dial 595-Escape"
12 - "Bottled"
The album will see a release through Nuclear
Blast on April 06th. - Click
Here for the Full Story
Posies Once Again
Aversion reports: The Posies are back
in the saddle, and riding so high they're in the middle of two albums.
Band principals Ken Stringfellow and Jon Auer recruited a new rhtyhm section and entered the studio. The band hasn't revealed which label will issue the as-yet-untitled record. - Click Here for the Full Story
Oasis Bootlegs
Aversion reports: Looks like Oasis will
hope to get by with a little help from its friends on its DVD.
The act has solicited fans to contribute photos and video footage of the band for possible inclusion on its upcoming DVD. Most needed are materials that date back to 1992. - Click Here for the Full Story
Priest in Europe
Blabbermouth reports: JUDAS PRIEST are
currently booking several arena gigs throughout Europe in between their
previously announced festival dates. The latest additions to the band's
growing itinerary are concerts in Berlin (Jun. 8) and Oberhausen (Jun.
PRIEST's European tour itinerary is shaping up as follows:
Jun. 05 � Bologna, ITA @ Gods of Metal
Jun. 08 � Berlin, GER @ Arena Berlin
Jun. 10 � Sölvesborg, SWE @ Sweden
Jun. 12 � Lichtenvoorde, NETH @ Arrow
Classic Rock
Jun. 13 � Oberhausen, GER @ König-Pilsener-Arena
Jun. 16 � Prague, CZR @ T-Mobile Arena
Jun. 20 � Athens, GRE @ Rock Wave Festival
Jun. 25 - Villarobledo (Albacete), SPA
@ Metal Mania
Jun. 27 � Dessel, BEL @ Graspop Metal
- Click
Here for the Full Story
BW&BK reports: Universal will release
a new AEROSMITH DVD collection, entitled Big Ones U Can Look At, on May
25th. The tracklisting for the set will be announced soon. -
Here for the Full Story
Rush 30th
Rush.net reports: The dates are out for
the Rush 30th Anniversary Tour. Click the full story link to get all the
announced dates. More dates expected to be announced soon.-
Here for the Full Story
Pearl Hendrix
Launch reports: Pearl Jam guitarist Mike
McCready has been added to the kick-off show of a three-date tour celebrating
the legacy of Jimi Hendrix.
The Feb. 22 gig in Seattle will also feature Buddy Guy (electric and acoustic), as well as appearances by Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Living Color, Jerry Cantrell, Indigenous, Kid Rock guitarist Kenny Olson, Hubert Sumlin, Earth Wind & Fire's Sheldon Reynolds, Eric Gales and Double Trouble's Chris Layton and Tommy Shannon.
Former Hendrix sidemen Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox will appear at all three shows (also Feb. 24 in Portland and Feb. 26 in San Francisco), as will Bad Company vocalist Paul Rodgers. - Click Here for the Full Story
Iha Smashed Pumpkins
Billboard reports: More than three years
after the Smashing Pumpkins played their farewell show, former frontman
Billy Corgan has taken to his official Web site (http://www.billycorgan.com)
to clear the air about the true reasons for the Chicago's band's split.
"I am going to share some things with you that you have never heard me say," he wrote Tuesday. "That doesn't mean I'm rewriting history; that means that I'm going to tell you the truth about who I am and what I believe in my heart. A lot of things that I have said thru the years seemed confusing, like I was hiding something, and oftentimes I was. 'Why,' you might ask. Many times I hid things to protect my band mates."
Corgan said he regrets initially blaming the split on "fighting the good fight against the Britneys of the world." "By saying that, I was seen as someone who was crying foul, taking his ball and going home, which was sad, 'cause it wasn't true at all," he continued. "The truth of the matter is that James Iha broke up the Smashing Pumpkins. Not me, not Jimmy, but James. Did it help that D'arcy was fired for being a mean-spirited drug addict, who refused to get help? No, that didn't help keep the band together, not at all." - Click Here for the Full Story
Rich Shun Stones
AP reports: An English town where the
late Rolling Stones guitarist Brian Jones was born has dropped a plan to
name a street after him because of opposition from upscale homeowners.
A street named Brian Jones Close was to be part of a new development of 70 homes in an area of Cheltenham.
But housing developer Bryant Homes applied for the name to be changed in November, following objections from residents and prospective buyers of the properties, which cost as much as $637,000.
On Tuesday night, the Cheltenham Borough Council voted unanimously that change the proposed name. Jones, who drowned in 1969 at 27, was born and is buried in Cheltenham. - Click Here for the Full Story
Flea Panties
Net Music Countdown reports: Red Hot Chili
Peppers bassist Michael "Flea" Balzary has announced that in addition to
being a huge rock star, he's now designing his own label of underwear and
other garments. Flea's "panty line" will benefit the Silverlake Conservatory
of Music in Los Angeles, whose mission is to provide affordable music lessons
and music scholarships to children. Flea has designed a line of greeting
cards and t-shirts in addition to the unmentionables, all of which may
be purchased by visiting www.angelwear.com. - Click
Here for the Full Story
Dr. John - Gris-Gris Gumbo Ya Ya: Singles 1968-1974
Jethro Tull - Curious Ruminant
Root 66: Chris Berardo, Slaw, Wonderly and More
Sites and Sounds: Cheap Trick to Headline Pure Imagination Festival in Arizona
Road Trip: A Music Fan's Guide to Clarksville, Tennessee
Sammy Hagar Pays Tribute To The Original Redhead John Pruner
Social Distortion Cancel Tour Due To Mike Ness Health Issues
Drowning Pool Share 'Bodies' Lyric Video After Carrie Underwood Performance
Metallica Giving Away Trip To Ozzy and Black Sabbath's Final Show
Maneskin's Damiano David Reveal Solo Album Details
Cradle Of Filth Stream 'White Hellebore' Video
Peter Wolf Releases First Ever Memoir 'Waiting on the Moon '